Measurement of the Performance of the HSC and USI Satellite Routers
European Space Agency (ESA) (TE)
This project investigated the performance of TCP/IP over a VSAT LAN-interconnection
system. The project was a part of the European Co-operative
Data Environment (CODE) network. Personnel from the University of Aberdeen
carried out a detailed analysis of the performance of the Hub Station Controller
(HSC) and User Station Interface (USI). These two equipments each consist
of a satellite channel access subsystem and a TCP/IP router. The latter
supports the full functionality of an IP router. The tests evaluated a number
of software releases indicating performance bottlenecks and providing data
on the maximum performance obtainable under various test conditions.
The output of this work was a series of reports which documented the test
procedures and provided test results. The reports were used as part of the
continuing CODE programme in support of
high performance VSAT networking.
This work was performed by:
[List of Projects in ERG]