Testing LAN Performance

SUN Host Interface and Protocol Processing Performance (100 Mbps)

This measurement was performed using the ERG JTAP Test Network. The traffic generator was initiated in the ERG Ultra 1 workstation with 100 Mbps interface (coloured purple in the ERG JTAP Network Plan). The transmitted packet rate was adjusted to generate a 100 Mbps output load.

  1. The traffic generator was configured to forward packets to the IP loop back interface, and a traffic sink process also initiated on the same machine. This configuration allows the user to measure the performance of the internal IP loop back (i.e. protocol processing) without any involvement of the output interface.
  2. An 'arp' entry was made manually for a phantom machine connected to the ERG JTAP network (, and the traffic generator configured to transmit packets to the phantom machine through the 100 Mbps interface. The number of successfully transferred packets were measured using the 'netstat' UNIX command. This configuration allows the user to measure the forwarding rate of the 100 Mbps interface of the Ultra workstation. The results are tabulated in the collumn named 'Output rate from 100'

 UDP Transport Throughput (Mbps)

 100 / loopback driver  100 / output rate
  <= 100 Mbps  68.5 Mbps

PC Host Interface and Protocol Processing Performance (100 Mbps)

To be done.

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