Lingo Language
The Lingo language is based on the Smalltalk language with Algol-like extensions.
Lingo consists of an environment which runs exclusively on the Rekursiv.
system and has a windowed user interface similar to the Smalltalk environment.
An example code fragment of Lingo and Smalltalk is shown below for comparison.
Lingo factorial example:
n factorial [ i x ] if n = 0 then 1 else
i := n - 1;
x := n;
while i > 0 do
x := x * i;
i := i - 1;
-> x
Smalltalk factorial example:
self > 0
ifTrue: [^self * (self - 1) factorial].
self = 0
ifTrue: [^1].
self error: 'factorial invalid for: ' , self printString
There is little documentation available for Lingo, however, a book describing
Lingo was due to be published by the summer of 1990. The book was never
Gary Whittington
- Modified: 1994.06.20 - ERG home page