Course Notes and Guides for Programming in C

These pages are intended for students taking the EG2069 introduction to programming in C. These notes and exercises are to be used in conjunction with the UNIX environment as found on goss, hex and sysa. Some familiarity with MATLAB is useful, but not necessary.

The notes and exercises are split into weekly units. Please note that the week numbers refer to the sequence in which these classes are taken, not the academic week numbers.

Please remember to keep your log books upto date.


If you are totally lost, try this page

Some elementary unix hints.

A brief list of books on C programming

System commands and utilities.

A note about printing. This page explains how you can print to computing classroom printers from Engineering Department servers such as goss or hex. In addition, it also shows a method of copying files between engineering servers and sysa.

Using ftp to transfer files

Some extra programming stuff. A slight variation on the roots.c program. A heavily commented bubble sort program.

Author : Keith Halewood / Helge Nareid Current contact: Gorry Fairhurst