Out of the Earth: streaming 'Turf to Tools'

6:45 pm Thursday 20th November, Lecture Theatre FN2, Fraser Noble Building, Bedford Road, University of Aberdeen, AB24 3UE.

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The SIRA STREAMS project will be holding a public presentation of our experiences with the Turf to Tools project. This is open to all and is all about an final iron age smelt conducted by Darrell Markewitz and the team at the SSW in August. We will show the entire smelt process from heating the forge to final extraction. Darrell will be joining remotely from Canada, and answer questions together with local speakers from the Scottish Sculpture Workshop.

Programme for the evening

6:45pm Cheese and Wine receeption, Foyer, Fraser Noble Building

7:00-8:15pm Fraser Noble Lecture Theatre FN2

Afterwards there will be chance to talk more via satellite to Darrel or to touch and feel the artefacts from the smelt.

For a taste of what is to come at the event, and explore photos from the Iron Smelt and watch the video.

Tickets are free, but please do register on-line in advance of this event.

Information about events is available from

The research described here is supported by the award made by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1.