SILAS ATM Satellite References
- Agnelli, S . Optimisation of the Physical Link Performance for ATM
Satellite User Access . in European Conference on Satellite Communications (ECSC-3).
1993. Manchester, UK: IEE.
- Agnelli, S., Defever, S., Rodriguez, F., Wannman, H. .
Optimsation of the Physical Link Performance For ATM Satellite User Access. in Third European Conference on Satellite Communication, Manchester, 1993.
- Agnelli, S., Mosca, P..
Transmission of Framed ATM Cell Streams Over Satellite : A Field Experiment. in International Conference on Communication, Seattle, 1995.
- Agnelli, S., Dewhurst, V.,.
LAN Interconnection Via ATM Satellite Links for CAD Applications - The UNOM Experiment. in International Conference on Communication, Dallas, 1996.
- Agnelli, S., Weller, E.. ATM Performance of Existing
Eutelsat Systems. in IEE Colloquium on ATM
over Satellite, Nov 1996,London, UK.
- Chelingsworth, S.P.. CADENZA - The First Nine
Months; and Beyond. in IEE Colloquium on ATM
over Satellite, Nov 1996,London, UK.
- Chitre, D. M., Gokhale, D. S., Henderson, T, Lunsford J. L.,
Mathews, N.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Operation Via Satellite: Issues, Challenges, And Resolutions . in International Journal of Satellite Communications, Vol 12. 1994.
- Cuevas, E. G., Doshi, B. Dravida, S.
Performance Models for ATM Applications over 45 Mb/s Satellite Facilities. in ICDSC-10. Vol 1.
Brighton. 1995.
- Delaruelle, D..
A Pragmatic Coding Scheme For Tranmsmission of 155 Mbit/s SDH and 140 Mbit/s PDH Signals over 72 MHz Transponders. proc. ICDSC-10, Brighton, 1995, Vol. 1 pg 319-324.
- Fairhurst, G., Seng, C.H
. The Effects of Satellite Errors on the Performance of ATM. in Third Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks. Ilkley. 1995.
- Fairhurst, G., Cheng, H. S.. Performance Issues of
Interconnecting ATM Islands. in IEE Colloquium on ATM
over Satellite, Nov 1996,London, UK.
- Farserotu, J., Tu, A .
Integration of Satellite Communications (SATCOM) into Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Via Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Test Concept and Test Plan for Phase I. Shape Technical Centre. Technical Note 602. 1995.
- Farserotu, J., Tu, A.Y.M .
Test and Analysis of Low-Data-Rate Asynchronous Transfer Mode over Satellite Communications. Shape Technical Centre. Professional Paper 363. 1995.
- Farserotu, J., Tu, A. .
Test and Analysis of Low-Data-Rate Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Cell Relay over NATO Satellite Communications: Limitations of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) Over ATM. Shape Technical Centre. Technical Note 640. June 1996.
- Fitch, M..
ATM Services For Small Satellite Terminals. in Colloquium on What's new in satellite communications ?, London, 17 April 1996.
- Fowler, KRG, Fitch, M..
ATM over Satellite - The VANTAGE Project. in Colloquium on What's new in satellite communications ?, London, 17 April 1996.
- Hadjitheodosiu, M H, Komisarzcuk, P, Coakley, F, and Evans, B G .
End to End Performance Analysis for Broadband Island Inetrconnection via Satellite -
RACE 11/R2074 (Catalyst) Project . in European Conference of Satellite Communications
(ECSC-3). 1993. Machester, UK: IEE.
- Harris, R A . Transmission Considerations for LAN Interconnection
by Satellite . in COST 226 Workshop: Integrated Space/Terrestrial Networks. 1993. TU
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- Kavak, N . CATALYST: RACE 2074: Interconnection of Broadband
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Space/Terrestrial Networks. 1993. TU Graz, Austria: EC.
- Komisarczuk, P, Hadjitheodosiu, M H, Coakley, Frances, and Smythe, C
. B-ISDN Implementation via Satellite: The Catalyst Project . in UKTS. 1993.
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- Linge, N, Ball, E, and Ashworth, J . Achieving Network
Interconnection Using Satellite Services . in European Conference of Satellite
Communications (ECSC-3). 1993. Machester, UK: IEE.
- Linge, N., Ball, E., Ashworth, J
. The Interconnection of Local Area Networks Using ATM over Satellite. in COST 226 Final Symposium, Budapest. 1995.
- Miller, S. P., Cotner, C. B.
The Quality Challenge ... Now And For The Future .... in ICDSC-10. Vol 2.
Brighton. 1995.
- Miller, S.P., Chitre, D.M.,. COMSAT's ATM Satellite Services
. in IEE Colloquium on ATM
over Satellite, Nov 1996,London, UK.
- Mola, L., Lizcano, P. L., Meuret, P., Wannman, H., Agnelli, S.
An Initiative for Comformance ATM-networks Relying on Satellite-links. in
COST 226 Final Symposium, Budapest, 1995.
- Murphy, J, Chow, E, Markley, R, .
System Design of a Satellite Link Protocol . in American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal of Spacecrafts and Rockets, AIAA JSR 1995
- Philips, T.J.,.
Integration of Satellites in the ATM Cloud . in IEE Colloquium on ATM
over Satellite, Nov 1996,London, UK.
- Ramseier, S., Kaltenschnee, T
. Impact of Burst Errors on ATM over Satellite - Analysis and Experimental
Results. in COST 226 Final Symposium, Budapest. 1995.
- Resele, P, Koudelka, O, and Riedler, W . Satellite TDMA
Internetworking Experiment and Multi-Media Applications . in Olympus Utilisation
Conference. 1993. Sevilla, Spain: ESA.
- Shorrock, D.J.,. ATM in the European Market: User Views
and the Potential Role of Satellite . in IEE Colloquium on ATM
over Satellite, Nov 1996,London, UK.
- Sonville, E. De..
The Newtec Cy 155.52 Mbit/s SDH Satellite Modem. unpublished paper presented at the ATM Workshop, Eutelsat, 1-3 July 1996.
- Sun, Z., Coakley, F. P., Evans, B. G
. Implementation of ATM Via Satellite for B-ISDN. in COST 226 Final Symposium, Budapest. 1995.
- Sun, Z., Ors, H., Cruickshank, Evans, B.G.,. Implementation's
of ATM over Satellite for Broadband Services. in IEE Colloquium on ATM
over Satellite, Nov 1996,London, UK.
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