Darwin Streaming Server
Below are details on the installation and use of the Darwin Streaming Server Application.
For details of creating multicast sessions with Darwin please visit this page.
Open the self extracting archive "DarwinStreamingSrvr4.1-Windows.exe"
Run the Install.bat batch file, this will install and start the streaming server.
You will need perl 5 or later installed prior to installing the streaming server.
Further details are included in the "AboutDarwinStreamingSvr.pdf" file within the install archive, this gives instructions on how to run the server as a "Service" or as a standalone package.
Unzip and then untar the file "DarwinStreamingSrvr4.1-Linux.tar.gz"
Run the install script within the DarwinStreamingSrv Directory.
You will need perl 5 or later installed prior to installing the streaming server.
To start the server run the perl script "streamingadminserver.pl"
To access the server use you web browser, the admin server runs on port 1220.
This page is maintained by Alastair Matthews <alastair@erg.abdn.ac.uk>. It was last updated on 28/8/02.