NTE (Network Text Editor)

Below are details of the installation and use of the Network Text Editor (NTE) Application.

The NTE application is normally launched by SDR when a user selects a session, it can also be launched from the command line using the following syntax.

nte [-t <ttl>] [-p | +p] [-bl <max block len>] [-display <display>] [-C <session name>] [-N <user name>] [-charset <charset>] <address>/<port>

Instructions for Windows

Instructions for Linux


Download the installation application

Follow the installers onscreen prompts

Place the application in the same directory as SDR
(Default C:\Program Files\Mbone)

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Download the nte applications

Unzip and Untar the package.

Copy the nte binary into a location in your system path (/usr/local/bin is recommended)

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This page is maintained by Alastair Matthews <alastair@erg.abdn.ac.uk>. It was last updated on 28/8/02.