WB and WBD Whiteboard Tools

Below are details on the installation and use of the WhiteBoard (WBD) Application.

There are two tools in common use, the WBD tool (Linux, Windows and Solaris) from UCL.

WB and WBD are normally launched by SDR when a user selects a session, however the can both be launched fom the command line using the following syntax.


wb [-N username] [-C confname] [-K key] [-t ttl] [-p|-l|+l] [-S] addr/port


wbd address/port

And the WB tool (Linux and Solaris) from LBNL.

Instructions for Windows

Instructions for Linux


Only WBD is available for the Windows Platform.

Download the installation application

Follow the installers onscreen prompts

Place the application in the same directory as SDR
(Default C:\Program Files\Mbone)

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The WBD Linux installation uses the RPM method.

Download the vic rpm package

Install the rpm using your preferred method.

To install WB under Linux

Download the WB application

Unzip and untar the WB Application

Ensure the application is in the system path, the recommended location is /usr/local/bin

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This page is maintained by Alastair Matthews <alastair@erg.abdn.ac.uk>. It was last updated on 28/8/02.