EG2069 Recommended Books

Course Book

George Smith
Computer Interfacing
Newnes. ISBN 0-7506-4474-5

Paperback, 2001.

This is the recommended course book. It provides a practical introduction to microprocessors, computers, binary arithmetic, simple digital logic, C programs, and some basic communications issues.

Digital / Computer Systems Books

Alan Clements
The Principles of Computer Hardware
Oxford Science. ISBN 0-19-853764-6

Paperback, 2nd Ed published 1992.

A very good book which is both readable and detailed. The book has chapters on microprocessors, computers, binary arithmetic, computer memory, digital logic, and some communications issues. One to keep on the desk for years to come.

Paul Horowitz Winfield Hill
The ART of Electronics
Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-37095-7,


A book which contains a thorough background to digital and analogue electronics. The approach is clear, well illustrated and full of helpful practical hints on how to make things work well. It contains much information on microcomputer hardware, operational amplifiers and many other electronic subsystems. One to keep on beside you in the design lab for years to come.

C textbooks

Lawrence H. Miller, Alexander E. Quilici
"The Joy of C"
John Wiley Sons, 1997

ISBN 0-471-12933-X

Recommended as a good textbook by several people with experience in teaching C. This book also includes some material on C++

C. Charlton, P. Leng and Janet Little
"A Course on C"
McGraw Hill, 1992.

Recommended by the original author of these web pages, Dr. Keith Halewood (our former computing officer). Based on a favourably reviewed practical C course taught at Liverpool University, well written and easy to follow.

Brian W Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie
"The C Programming Language", 2nd Ed
Prentice-Hall, 1988.

ISBN 0-13-110362-8

This is considered the "bible" on the C programming language, written by the original C language designers and available in the QML heavy demand section. An excellent book, but rather terse in style, and not an easy read. The 1st edition of this book is also excellent, but it is now outdated and should be avoided (A new standard for the C language was published in 1988/89, which changed the definition of the language in several important aspects).

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Authors : Helge Nareid & Gorry Fairhurst Contact: