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ip-dvb: Status Update May 2002

April saw the introduction of the first protocol ID:

This described a proposed new encapsulation format, and various 
aspects have been debated on this list. A revised draft will 
be issued in June.

This ID is the first of hopefully a series of drafts on 
Encapsulation, Address Resolution, Dynamic Multicast Support 
and other issues. At the moment, this mailing list is looking 
for Internet Draft submissions in the following areas:

       DVB Address Resolution for IP over DVB
       Multicast Support for IP over DVB
       Other issues relating to transport of IP flows.

The mailing list now has approximately 120 members and has 
forwarded 224 messages as of today. In April, Narisa Chu 
agreed to act as a contact point with the DVB-TM (Technical Module), 
and the DVB-GBS group (also working in this area). 

The next meeting of the DVB-GBS group will be on 13-5-05 (Helsinki) 
and will investigate possible closer collaboration with this group, 
particularly on the subject of address resolution. An update will 
be posted to this server after this meeting.

The group has also been invited to make a submission / progress 
report to the ETSI-BSM BSM#10 meeting on 5-6 June. This will focus 
on helping to understand the possible links into the ETSI STF-214 work. 
More information will be posted as it becomes available.

A copy of the current status report is at:

Gorry Fairhurst

P.S. We have also updated the search engine at:


To allow a search of the ip-dvb mail archive, and also updated the web
pages based on comments to the list. The id archive has also been
