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Re: BoF Announcement for IETF-57, Vienna: (IP over MPEG-2)

On 15/7/03 6:01 pm, "Jun Takei" <takei@csm.jcsat.co.jp> wrote:

> Hi all,
> It was so short to cover all items which related to IP-DVB on the slot
> of yesterday. But it was reasonable meeting because we could exchange
> current information.

Yes, I do think the BOF went well.

> I would like to clarify one thing. Many people talked about issues or
> proposal based on the assumption network model in their brain. I don't
> think all that network model is the same. Why don't we clarify the
> target network model or parameters before leaving the start line?
> e.g.    - how many node or MC ip address would be in one PID
> - how many PID will be used on the service
>  (rough magnitude would be fine.)
> - etc.
> How do you think?
> Jun Takei, JSAT
I like this idea, let's try to find some sample use cases.

We do need this sort of discussion in the requirements draft, it would be
very useful there. Can you propose some text which others could add to?
