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RE: Differences between INT and MMT tables for address resolution?

Dear Frank,
I am surprised by the points you are giving in your last email regarding the INT (from DVB participant side point of view ) :

- is just too complicated. Already now people have different interpretations on how to use it,
I think that the INT table is clearly define in the Etsi standard. The question that I saw are more linked to the understanding of the way MPE protocol is used rather than the INT table. Again, by referring to the DVB-Etsi standards and implementation guidelines, I think that is shall be ok as no specific interpretation issues have be put on the table during DVB working sessions neither regarding MPE or INT and this since many month for MPE.

- allows not enough dynamics: multiple tables need to be scanned when e.g. a new service/multicast group is introduced in the network,
The INT is one and only one table, therefore I don't see the meaning of this remark ? Rescan of the INT is easy as based on a PMT version number change. This is done this way because all STB monitor only one and one table all the time, the PMT.... Therefore if the PMT changes, the STB check what table version number has changed, if it is the INT, then the STB know about something new. Regarding the NIT, BAT etc tables...  they are mainly used at the scanning level only as they are semi-static tables.
If the remark mean PMT and SDT....  when new service is introduced on new PID (which is not mandatory, as several IP services can be transmitted on a single PID), then, there is no relation with the INT, but with the base of DVB (like PMT because ghost PID are not allowed)...

- needs an official platform_id registration at DVB bodies: this means delay and paperwork.
You need anyway official ids before being able to broadcast anything on air (network_id, broadcast_id etc...). Getting a DVB id is as easy a sending an email...

Kind regards

Dear Harald,

a. I can also add, recalling the discussion within SatLabs (www.satlabs.org)
on the INT/MMT topic, additional conclusions of the SatLabs meeting on 1/2
April 2003 were that the INT table :

- is just too complicated. Already now people have different interpretations
on how to use it,
- allows not enough dynamics: multiple tables need to be scanned when e.g. a
new service/multicast group is introduced in the network,
- needs an official platform_id registration at DVB bodies: this means delay
and paperwork.

Therefore, MMT was preferred as a first step for interoperability between
DVB-RCS Hubs/Terminals.

b. Concerning the MMT dynamics, in a future regenerative DVB-RCS system  to
be launched in 2004,  the MMT will be  used, and by allowing IGMP to travel
over the satellite link and let the NCC update the MMT accordingly  some
degree of dynamics can be achieved.

Regards, Frank


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