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IJSCN: Internet over Digital Broadcast Video Networks - revised deadlines.

LAST Call for Papers

The original deadline for submission to the forth-coming
Special Issue of the International Journal of Computer Networks devoted to
"Internet over Digital Broadcast Video Networks" has been extended to:

20th February 2004.

Final copies of all papers must be sent by the above date to the following email address:

gorry@erg.abdn.ac.uk or marie@mjmontpetit.com

The prefered format for the review process is PDF, although other formats may be accepted. Details of the final format required for accepted
submissions may be found at:


If your submission has been acknowledged, and a paper number allocated, then no further action is required by you - but you *MAY* update your manuscript and resubmit before the above revised deadline.


Internet over Digital Broadcast Video Networks
Editors: Marie-José Montpetit, mjmontpetit.com and
Gorry Fairhurst, Universtity of Aberdeen

Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) technologies are widely used over broadcast media that include satellite (DVB-S), cable (DVB-C and Open Cable) and terrestrial (DVB-T). They provide unidirectional communications from the content provider to the end user. The return channel can be either via a terrestrial technology or via satellite (DVB return channel system or RCS). Current standards define a link layer protocol to enable transmission of the digital multimedia content. More and more, however, DVB is used to build Internet-compatible networks. In order to do this an MPEG-2 Transport Stream cell is used as a “container” for the IP packets with an added encapsulation header to allow the information to be adequately processed. Over the years a number of encapsulation methods have been explored to transmit data over broadcast media. The current standard for DVB is the Multi-Protocol Encapsulation (MPE). While this may be used to send Internet Packets, there are further issues that arise when used to build an Internet Service. Such issues are an active research topic, and have received recent attention in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) community. In addition, recent efforts have been dedicated to making DVB a more dynamic network with protocols for address resolution and multicast group management to complement current solution that use table based methods. Finally, the support for Quality of Service (QoS) and security service is also actively pursued.

This special issue intends to review current IP over DVB research and establish what the status of this important technology is in the deployment of the broadband networks of the near future. Topics addressed by the special issue include (but are not limited to):
- system design and scenarios
- DVB and MPEG-2 networking technologies
- encapsulation and hardware/software implementations for IPv4 and v6
- address resolution
- multicast group management
- quality of service issues
- simulation of DVB networks
- standardization efforts


Each paper will independently be reviewed against the goal of the call for papers, the technical content, the contribution to the field, and the quality of the finished submission. A summary of reviewers comments will be returned to the authors at the end of the submission process.


Full papers due: February 20th 2004 (Final call)
Reviews returned: April 19th
Final Manuscript due: June 1st