I don't quite understand FEC in MPE level, can anyone please elaborate or refer some specifications regarding it.
Thanks and Best Regards,
On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 Bernhard Collini-Nocker wrote :
>since I am on holidays :-) I take the chance to be more active in this
>discussion group.
>Well, FEC is a very good point, and the need for it in DVB-T is certainly
>existing. My question, apart from whether or not to add a FEC type, at
>this point is, what error patterns are being considered. We also have a
>DVB-T set-up running in our lab and the probability that packets (SNDUs)
>can be corrected with FEC and interleaving alone is from my experiences
>rather low, given that outages (link losses during station movements)
>are typically affecting quite many TS cells corresponding to many SNDUs
>and, hence, retransmissions are needed to maintain reliability.
>Best regards,
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-ip-dvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk [mailto:owner-ip-dvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk]On
> > Behalf Of Benoit Oger
> > Sent: Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2004 10:38
> > To: ip-dvb@erg.abdn.ac.uk
> > Subject: ULE and FEC
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > as new subjects are raised, like encryption, I was thinking it could be
> > interessant for ULE to propose a FEC system (Forward Error
> > Correction). ULE
> > is aimed for a wide range of physical media, more or less exposed to noise
> > and error; therefore an error correction ability could be useful.
> > Actually,
> > we could be inspired by the DVB-H draft that provide MPE with
> > such a system,
> > called MPE-FEC. DVB-H derive from DVB-T standard, it deals with
> > optimisation
> > for wireless communication like the reduction of the average power
> > consumption for mobile or a better resistance to noise.
> >
> > MPE-FEC simply combine datagrams interleaving and a Reed-Solomon
> > code. It is
> > designed in such a way that it will be transparent for a receiver not
> > supporting MPE-FEC. Datagrams are encapsulated and sent as usual.
> > Reed-Solomon parity bytes are transmitted on the same Pid but with a
> > different section type , for ULE it migth be a different type.
> >
> > Your thoughts about that.
> >
> >
> > Benoit Oger
> > Thales Broadcast & Multimedia
> >
> >