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RE: Hepl required regarding the PAT table

> hi
>  I m a newbie to DVB-RCS.While trying to get the Program map PIDs, for the
> different programs,from the PAT table,
> a variable N is presented in the standard, saying that so many program
> channels are present.But, I have not found any place/hint
> indicating what this variable n might be? The exact context is given
> below.(marked by the Arrow)

N is simply the number of programs, i.e. collections of correlated PIDs for
audio/video/data, to be found as PMTs.

> program_association_table
> program_association_section()
> {
> 	table_id 8 uimsbf
> 	section_syntax_indicator 1 bslbf
> 	'0' 1 bslbf
> 	reserved 2 bslbf
> 	section_length 12 uimsbf
> 	transport_stream_id 16 uimsbf
> 	reserved 2 bslbf
> 	version_number 5 uimsbf
> 	current_next_indicator 1 bslbf
> 	section_number 8 uimsbf
> 	last_section_number 8 uimsbf
> 	for (i = 0; i < N; i++)  -------------------->what is the
> value of N?

Number of programs. So on a transponder with 8 digital tv programs
N equals 8 (or more, if other kind of programs are present).

> 	{
> 		program_number 16 uimsbf
> 		reserved 3 bslbf
> 		if (program_number = = '0')
> 		{
> 			network_PID 13 uimsbf
> 		}
> 		else
> 		{
> 		program_map_PID 13 uimsbf
> 		}
> 	}
> CRC_32 32 rpchof
> }
> with warm regards,
> Vinay.S
