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IETF-61 Preparations (November 7-12, 2004)

Please note that all WG participants are invited to the next IETF meeting to be held in Washington DC. Details of the meeting and hotel/meeting regsitration information may be found at:


The ipdvb WG is scheduled to meet during this IETF meeting and has been allocated a 2 hour slot within the Agenda (NOTE: the timing of individual WG meetings is provisional at this stage).

Some important dates for prospective Internet Draft authors are:

 October 11, Monday
- WG Chair approval for initial WG document (Version -00) submission

 October 18, Monday
- Internet Draft Cut-off for initial document (-00) submission

 October 25, Monday - Internet Draft final submission cut-off

 October 27, Wednesday - Pre-Registration and Pre-payment cut-off

 November 1, Monday - Working Group agendas due

 November 7-12, 2004 - 61st IETF Meeting in Washington, DC, USA

Could anyone who wishes to submit an ID which may be of interest to the ipdvb community please tell me as soon as possible!

Best wishes,

Gorry Fairhurst
ipdvb WG Chair