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Re: Bringing the ARCH draft to WG Last Call
Thanks for your comments see my reply below:
> I currently have the problem to understand what exactly the end-to-end
> management of IP flows is in the context of ipdvb. Management means too
> many different things to people. Could you give me a hint?
> The Internet-style solution would be AR does AR, no more no less. All the
> other things belong into different protocols, it should be all IETF-safe
> "Protocol do only things they are intended to do" and Keep it Simple,
> Stupid (KISS).
I think both your comments are related. The common belief here is that an
address resolution protocols in the wider sense (as it relates to the bigger
configuration/management issues) should allow operators to do more than
blindly attach a IP adrress to a MAC address or to a PID in this case. For
example it should enforce security/authentication measures to prevent
unauthorised traffic from even getting one the network and allow some
addresses or flows with specific characteristics to be assigned different
PIDs to guarantee they will get processed the right way. That is not against
the KISS principle, actually could be simpler than current implementations.
I believe it to be good engineering practice to have solution that are
extensible, flexible and open.