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repost: Re: WGLC ule-03

I'm forwarding the comments below (extracted, from a longer email from "Bernhard Collini-Nocker" <bnocker@cosy.sbg.ac.at>), since they relate to suggested changes to ULE, resulting from reading during the WGLC.

Gorry Fairhurst
(ipdvb WG Chair)


1. Figure 12 does not provide clear guidance on the placement of the NPA field when extension headers are present. The placement within the base-header needs to be clarified.

So, section 5. provides the following (more complex) example:
   < --------------------------   SNDU   ------------------------- >
   |D=1| Length | T1 | H1 | T2 | H2 | T3 |       PDU       | CRC-32 |
   < ULE base header >< ext 1 >< ext 2 >

   Figure 12: SNDU Encapsulation with two Extension Headers

> Gorry:
I'd kind of assumed the NPA ALAWAYS was a part of the BASE HEADER, and that
it always is inserted after the first type field, with any extension headers
FOLLOWING the NPA when it is present. So, I guess I had imagined:

    < --------------------------   SNDU   ------------------------- >
     |D=0| Length | T1 | NPA | H1 | T2 | H2 | T3 |    PDU      | CRC-32 |
        <base header>   <*1> <  ext 1  >< ext 2 >

*1 NPA, if present, is always counted as a part of the base header.
> Thoughts?


2. In Section 4.7.5 Fig 8

The Bridge Frame SNDU Encapsulation
- "Receiver Destination Address" should be marked as "NPA Address"
