IPDVB Implementator Information
This page provides a list of known implementations of the protocols developed by the IETF ipdvb WG.
The information is provided here on a best-effort basis. Note, this document is provided on a best-effort basis. Individual implementors should be consulted to determine the features and level of support provided by each driver. Please send additions/corrections to: gorry @ erg.abdn.ac.uk.
Name of release: Linux
URL: www.kernel.org
ULE Gateway: N/A
ULE Receiver: Technotrend Systemtechnik GmbH Technotrend/Hauppauge DVB card rev2.1
Target platform/OS: Linux 2.6.10 (2004), Linux 2.6.18 (2006)
Latest known rev: updated to RFC 4326 in Linux 2.6.18 (2006)
Air-interface Rx: Various, depending on hardware
Main contributor: GCS GmbH
URL: www.gcs-salzburg.at
Contact: S.Meinhart
Implementation type: Public Domain
Name of release: ulenet (ulenet for Windows)
URL: network-research.org/ulenet/ulenet
ULE Gateway: N/A
ULE Receiver: Uses the Microsoft Broadcast Driver Architecture (BDA). Tested with:
* TechnoTrend Budget Cards (DVB-S, DVB-T)
* Terratec Cinergy XS USB (DVB-T)
* Satelco EasyWatch MobilSet PCMCIA (DVB-T)
For more details and other cards that support the BDA Architecture see: ulenet
Target platform/OS: Windows XP SP2 or Windows MCE (Media Center Edition)
Latest known rev: updated to RFC 4326
Air-interface Rx: Various, depending on hardware
Main contributor: Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
URL: network-research.org/about.html
Contact: Christian Prähauser
Implementation type: Public Domain
ULE Gateways
Name of implementor: GCS GmbH
URL: www.gcs-salzburg.at
Contact: S.Meinhart
ULE Gateway: All products based on the Cobra driver and flex:converger DVB-adapter cards
Receiver: Pent@Value
Target platform/OS: Linux Custom Kernel
Air-interface Tx: Standard ASI MPEG TS output
Implementation type: Production
Name of implementor: Thales
URL: www.thales-bm.com
Contact: Richard Lhermitte
ULE Gateway: Opal Gateway
ULE Receiver: N/A
Target platform/OS: N/A
Latest known rev: Not Known (reported August 2004).
Air-interface Tx: ASI MPEG TS output (DVB and ATSC)
Implementation type: Production
Combined ULE Gateways/Receivers
Name of implementor: IABG/6WIND
URL: www.6wind.com
Contact: support @ 6wind.com
ULE Gateway: DVB Master III PCI Cards
ULE Receiver: DVB Master III PCI Cards
Target platform/OS: BSD and Linux
Latest known rev: draft-fair-ipdvb-ule-02 (reported 2004).
Air-interface Tx: ASI MPEG TS output
Implementation type: Software that can be bought for production.
Name of implementor : Efficient Channel Coding
URL: www.eccincorp.com
Contact: kevin @ eccincorp.com
ULE Gateway: iSatLite Network Interface Unit
ULE Receiver: iSatLite Broadband Satellite Terminal
Target platform/OS : Linux based embedded devices
Latest known rev: draft-fair-ipdvb-ule-02 (reported Nov 2006).
Air-interface: DVB-S2
Implementation type: Commercial
Name of implementor: WISHnet Inc
Contact: Hidetaka Izumiyama
ULE Gateway: DVB MASTER FD ASI board + DVB mod
ULE Receive : Techno torend TT-PCline budget S1100
Target platform/OS : Linux
Latest known rev: Not Known (ULE support planned to start Sept 2004).
Air-interface: DVB-S
Implementation : R&D.
Name of implementor: Network Research Group/Universiti Sains Malaysia
URL http://nrg.cs.usm.my/ule.htm:
Contact: Dr. Wan Tat Chee <tcwan @ cs.usm.my> (Simon Teh Chee Hong <chteh @ nav6.org>, Ang Way Chuang <wcang @ nav6.org>)
ULE Gateway: DVB Master II FD-U PCI Cards
ULE Receive : Hauppage WinTV Nova-S PCI
Target platform/OS : Linux
Latest known rev: RFC 4326
Air-interface: ASI MPEG TS output
Implementation : Prototype.
Other ULE tools / resources
Ethereal MPEG-2 TS Dissector
URL: network-research.org/mp2tsdis.html
Contact: http://network-research.org/about.html
Last updated: 22nd November 2006.