SDR (Session Directory Revised)

Below are details on the installation and use of the Session Directory Tool (SDR) Application.

Use of the SDR application is very straight forward. Once the application has been started it will listen for and display details of sessions being announced using the session announcement protocol by sdr and compatible applications.

To join a session simply click on it and then select the media types you wish to receive.

To create a session simply click the new session button and the setup wizard will guide you through the process.

SDR will allow the use of common multicast applications (vic, vat, rat, wbd) that are in your system path, other applications (such as SAT-RMTP) may require the use of plugins. See the specific application documentation for details. For more details of SDR use see this page.

Instructions for Windows

Instructions for Linux


Download the installation application

Double click the application and follow the installers on screen prompts

Allow the installer to use the default install location

C:\Program Files\Mbone
Or select an alternate path for the application, note all the applications (SDR, vic, vat etc) should be installed in the same directory

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Download the SDR application

Unzip and untar the SDR Application

Ensure the application is in the system path, the recommended location is /usr/local/bin


Download the SDR rpm package

Install the rpm using your preferred method.


Using the Berkley Mash Release

It is advised to perform the following as user “root”

This release contains nsdr, vic and vat. (nsdr is compatible with sdr)

Download the release, unzip and untar.
cd mash-5.2
Run the setup script “./setup”
Follow the onscreen prompts to perform a typical installation
Allow the installer to update the system variables as required

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This page is maintained by Alastair Matthews <>. It was last updated on 28/8/02.