Scenarios » The Island of Jura

SIRA STREAMS is working with creative professionals on Jura, a remote isle of the western coast of Scotland. Jura has a small and dispersed population of less than 200 people. Living on a remote island which is somewhat inaccessible, two ferries are required to reach the island. Despite this, Jura has in recent years attracted a range of incomers, bringing with them their businesses and professional practices.

We are working with Giles Perring who runs a recording studio from his home, as well as acting across a range of music-related roles on the island. He regularly has bands and individual performers visiting his recording studio. It is a different kind of experience; the artists tend to find the peace and beauty of the island inspiring and conducive to work, this is something of a selling point.

However due to poor internet connectivity on the island professionals such as Giles struggle to share their activities to wider audiences. The SIRA STREAMS project is interested in the value of streaming live performances of the musicans while they are in the recording studio.

This might involve a small intimate gig, with a small audience and a laid back atmosphere. The performance would be streamed to the most relevant remote audiences, such as those reached via the various stakeholders social media channels and websites. What might the value be for these artists in streaming their music online from such a remote and unique location?

The research described here is supported by the award made by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1.