Scenarios » The Tin Hut

The Tin Hut is a typical village hall in Gartly, Aberdeenshire with a not so typical legacy. It is well known amongst Scottish and folk musicians as being an excellent venue with great acoustics and therefore many well-known acts have performed there. Alongside stand alone gigs (which happen regularly) there is a folk music summer school that culminates in a music night. This has built an international network, being well-known to and connected with a bluegrass community in rural America.

In the SIRA STREAMS project our streaming platform can enable the Tin Hut to stream live music events to remote audiences using satellite broadband. Video from Open Mic sessions at the Tin Hut was used in our early research at the University of Aberdeen.

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The research described here is supported by the award made by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1.